Am I a writer?

I’ve been working on the same project on and off for 10 years. Once again I am off. The book is done, but after some constructive criticism, it needs some developing. The point of view is messy, the narrator isn’t defined, and the settings need more details. Also, the paragraphs need indenting and the index won’t format correctly and isn’t complete.

The question is, Am I a writer? I’m only working on one thing. I’m not writing anything else. Shouldn’t my ideas be flowing if I were truly a good writer? Wouldn’t I have many other projects? Why am I so blocked? I guess the name of my blog finally suits me, “Writers Block.” That is, only if I’m a writer.? Food for thought.

How about some flying monkeys!

So I wrote Memphis Sky: A Monkey Puzzle. A monkey puzzle is a tree that few birds frequent. Monkeys can’t climb it. Gypsy moths will kill it. And the blue jay might be the only bird that will sit on it’s branches. Memphis and Sky are married. This is the story of them and their “gang.” I thought I’d share some flying monkeys cause I’ve got monkeys on the brain.


The protagonist has all the information, but the storyteller is denying it to the audience. It’s not a mystery in the story. It’s a mystery about the story.

When I started writing I was in a frenzy hating on “story”. I hated this picture of an imaginary girl named story keeping me from the story that I knew I was meant to write. Now that I am finished and I am trying to decide what genre it is. I see how it sort of fits within the realm of metafiction/metamystery.

The narrator makes himself known and the protagonist is writing within the story. The characters imply that it is a piece of fiction. It is an adult book, but I think that it would be enjoyed by young adults too. Like 16-18 year olds.

Joined a Writer’s Forum

I tried loading part of my book under the files section of the writers group I joined and instead it showed up under the discussion page. Someone made the comment, “A PDF, that’s a no no. Why don’t you just post a snippet or two of your book in the post?” Because I told her, I was trying to load it under files where everyone else has their books and stuff. SO I deleted my PDF post. I made a word document. It would only give me the option to post it again, so I posted it. There’s your word document honey. I feel dumb for allowing one comment to make me remove my original post. I like the writers group though. It’s a good outlet for me. I don’t have any support. No support system at all.

“I” am reposting. “The M-Files.” 2019. My POV problems in 2021. Strange.

I was just a child. I suppose it was me .yeah .yo. We ran through it .the dictionary that is .A rosebud .seriously that’s what the card had on it .Placed right under M. I’d rather not re visit it. I’d rather just remind myself that I am alive and safe and healthy everyday . Oh “YOU” know

The last thing I want to do is start another run through another dictionary from another publisher. No offense ya’ll but I think it’s best I leave proper names out of my blog.

To revisit what I was allowed as a child? How was I to know? And in reality what a message life takes sometimes I rarely noticed most days.

Yup .safe for the most part . Healthy, in therapy and very argumentative. Probably unrelated knowing me .

Hmm….leads “us” back to “I”. What a crazy “loop” huh? Look it up. I found it. It’s in a book and it’s about time we move along before we all start moving around in circles like I found myself doing just about four years ago.

Its now 2021….

It is “I” the narrator! LOL! The above five paragraphs are straight copied from a previous post of mine, “The M-Files” from 2019. It looks like “I” was having trouble with first person back then too. I wasn’t writing, just reading through it. “I” relates to a loop of numbers “I” to the number 60. Then loop again.

I got it out of book by an author whose last name is Crosby. It’s a book of synonyms or ways to explain other things or something. I’ll find it and repost soon. Well “I” am done writing about first person for now. I’m sure it will come up again.

“Likes” & “Following” & “Rewrites”

Instead of messing with the theme of my blog, I decided to read through some of YOUR blogs. Interesting stuff from all of you. I decided to follow someone too!

I’ve taken three or four days away from my rewrite. It was much needed. I’m about to dive back in. I rewrote 125 pages. Only thing is, then I went back and rewrote the prologue. It kind of messes with the point of view. Then I read on one of your blogs about how to pick your narrator. Well, my narrator doesn’t know everyone. Thus he’s not quite omnipotent. He sort of drops off within the story. I don’t know! This is why I need a rewrite!

I wrote all the time for five years. It was roughly six to ten journals full of writing and outlines. Cursive. Print. All colors of the rainbow. Then I sat down on my bed, pulled out the first notebook and started to type it up. I made different documents for scenes, for character development, and for chapters.

The entire writing process is so difficult. I’m getting frustrated. I’m beginning to think it’s not good enough. But damnit! It’s 84,403 words! And I’m rewriting it. Enough said.