Scratch that! I meant “Proof Read.” Everyone’s a critic.

I have the hardest time finding the “correct” or “right” term or word for given things/situations.

It seems like at the moment, if I don’t use the “right” word, everything is taken out of context even more so that it already was.

Not to bring up politics – that is not the subject of the book I have written, but I must admit that I have a bit of empathy for President Donald Trump. He seems like he is also jumped on for using the “wrong words” or “incorrect terms” for things.

A few years ago…my Tarot Card reading

A few years ago, I decided to stop and have a tarot card reading. Now that I am getting this novel together, there have been many different people pushing me to post it-some I know and others I don’t.  So…here you guys go!

first card: SEAS. Cleansing, 5 frogs on a lily pad

second card: EARTH. Ace manifestation. Work well together? Don’t ?

third card: ECSTATIC UNION.  Acceptance and reverse

fourth card: CRONE VISIONARY. (Wind). I see things as they are.


THE FOOL (the middle card). Not a “fool” more introspective.


card one: CARD OF DEATH IN REVERSE.  Something good born in the near future

card two: WISE WOMAN. Sees the future and the past. * sees other peoples intentions *

card three: FIRE CARD. Forgiveness.

Card four: WIND.  Child conscious. Not naive/ trusting*

hope everyone had a good Father’s Day 🙂 I plan on struggling through the boring details, grammatical errors, structure, format and order this week! Promise 😉

Final read through and edit!

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Since then I have cleaned up my five years of writing and have roughly 300-320 pages to show for it. I never could have imagined that a mess of notebooks and journals would turn into 300 plus pages with chapters and headings.

Still have aways to go. I need to resolve comments and might need to move a few things around. Then comes the hard part, getting someone to actually want to read it.

If anyone is actually reading this, I will try and post again sooner in between posts.